The Bangkok Food School

Food School

The Food School represents a culinary school with the ambitious project of bringing together three world culinary schools in a single training venue: Italian cuisine with the international school ALMA, Japanese cuisine with the TSUJI Culinary Institure and Thai cuisine with the DUSIT Thani College.

Olis is honoured to have been one of the leading companies in the design development of this ambitious school, which has structured its ‘classrooms’ over three floors near the university area of central Bangkok.

The Incubator

The second floor is reserved for Asian cuisines, the Thai school and the Japanese school while the third floor is exclusively dedicated to the world of Italian cuisine with an area reserved for pastry and ice cream.

The second floor is reserved for Asian cuisines, the Thai school and the Japanese school while the third floor is exclusively reserved to the world of Italian cuisine with an area dedicated to the pastry and ice cream.

Energy is the biggest cost in setting up a kitchen, and only by choosing the best equipment such as Olis can offer its partners, significant energy savings can be considered in the long term.

To learn more about the details of this ambitious project

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