Hotel Ludwigshof & Luvina

Hotel Ludwigshof & Luvina

Hotel Ludwigshof, a comfortable and welcoming structure.    

Excellent starting point for excursions to the natural park of  Monte Corno with several paths which bring to shepherd’s cottages with suggestive landscapes.   

Peculiar service and treatment, surrounded by a fascinating nature to spend unforgettable holidays. 

The building stands in the center of a green oasis, a perfect location where spending holidays in nature, fully relaxed and far from the daily stress. 

Special moments dedicated to the taste's pleasures in the South of Alto Adige

On holiday, everybody would like to be extremely taken care, even by a culinary point of view.  

The cuisine of Ludwigshof Hotel offers  delicacies to enjoy during mountain holidays in  Trodena.

Hotel Ludwigshof & Luvina has chosen Olis, we innovate cooking as perfect and efficient partner in its kitchen

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