Diamante 90 Touch Serie

Diamante 90 Touch

Everything is controlled easily with Touch Display

Dalle solide basi della tradizione Olis, nasce la nuova cucina Diamante 90T, ancora più pratica, più accessoriata, più tecnologica. Un’evoluzione nell’ambito delle cucine professionali. Diamante è perfettamente studiata nei dettagli per velocizzare e semplificare ogni operazione di preparazione, cottura, riordino, pulizia in cucina e affiancarti ogni giorno come un vero alleato del tuo lavoro.

  • Scelta dei parametri rapida e precisa
  • Funzioni speciali sempre visibili e accessibili da display
  • Acciaio inossidabile AISI 304, finitura Scotch Brite, piani lavoro con spessore di 2 mm
  • Possibilità pressoché illimitata di combinazioni tra le potenze*
  • Cruscotto inclinato e manopole ergonomiche
  • Piani saldati con sistema di accoppiamento semplice
  • Disponibili anche con zoccolatura
  • Bacinella raccogligocce removibile in acciaio inox per una più facile pulizia ed igiene

*Nel rispetto delle omologazioni massime

Everything is controlled

with the exclusive Encoder Function


A new non-slip design, squared off and rounded for a more ergonomic grip, with a contoured indicator to facilitate setting. And with the exclusive Encoder function, all you need to do is touch a programme, turn the knob to set the level and press it to confirm the setting. With a water and dirt proof crown.

  1. ON / OFF
  2. General signal
  3. Heating
  4. Cooking zone indication
  5. Reading unit (°C / °F)
  6. Temperature / level setting
  7. Temperature / level reached
  8. Water filling (hot / fast)
  9. Water filling (cold / slow)
  10. Alternative set point
  11. Core probe
  12. Timer / Core probe temperature
  13. Timer

One knob, many displays in action.

Touch and turn: two easy steps to arrange the work to do and no longer think about it.


For golden and crisp frying.

Its special feature is its display that monitors all temperature variations displayed by the specific indicator in real time, allowing you to easily and accurately manage and prepare different kinds of food on time, always with perfect results.


Perfect cooking with the core probe.

Even in recipes that require the use of a core probe, you simply set the desired temperature directly on the control panel with a single touch.


Constant temperature for safe results.

You can easily prepare a sauce with the perfect colour, texture and shininess, like this one: all you need to do is set the optimal temperature simply by touching the panel on the appliance. A high precision control system ensures a constant temperature and ideal preparation of each recipe.

Fry Top

Total simultaneous control and management.

With the dual acoustic timer on the display, it is easy to manage multiple recipes on a single machine. The time required for each recipe is indicated by a countdown and a warning sound.

Olis cloud

an integrated kitchen management system

of the equipment’s operation at all times of the day, with convenient monitoring of all parameters in Real Time by remote directly from browser on your PC, tablet or smartphone. Monitoring the use and operation of your equipment makes it possible to assess the efficiency of your kitchen. It will consequently be easier to correct any shortfalls and optimise earnings. All data collected by OlisCloud is made available and visible in the OlisControl portal, the system allowing you to revolutionise the way you manage your business.

Remote management

Customers / users can remotely monitor the status of their equipment and change the operating parameters. From the on-line portal It will also be easy to enter new recipes and modify existing ones.

Real time

Verify in real time the operating status of the machine, and of the technical “data point” operating parameters, so it will be possible to graphically view the period of activity and work.

Automatic Notifications

In the event of malfunctions or changes in status useful for management, the machine will send warning or alert messages to the users in charge, as well as requests for intervention if pre-set.

Remote Assistance

The assistance can now be preventive, with specialized support. All technicians will be able to intervene better thanks to the direct support of the manufacturer.

Dashboard Big-Data

The archiving of all operating data facilitates the development of constructive analyzes for energy saving, and the quality of food, and it is also possible to self-certify the food transformation process, eg. attaching HACCP.

Connetti la tua cucina al Cloud OLIS

Tutte le attrezzature identificate con il logo 4.0 Ready ti permettono di usufruire di tutti in vantaggi della connessione delle attrezzature a un sistema Cloud.

The Range

Diamante 90

Diamante 90

Diamante 90 TOUCH

Diamante 90 TOUCH

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1100 Passante

1100 Passante

One-piece Worktop

One-piece Worktop

Diamante 90

Diamante 90

Diamante 90 TOUCH

Diamante 90 TOUCH

Diamante 70

Diamante 70

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Drop in 70

1100 Passante

1100 Passante

One-piece Worktop

One-piece Worktop