OLIS opens its doors to a new exhibiting and multimedia space, result of a thought and developed project entirely realized by the company heart. A new way to let known all the uniqueness that Olis offers to all worldwide chefs. Interactive and connected!

The aim of this new space is to permit to all its Partners to have an easy access and view to the diamond tops of the complete equipments line produced in its Olis factory, such as the Diamante90Touch, Diamante90, Diamante70, Serie1100, Serie650, and the DropIn70.

During these last months, there have been many meeting opportunities with its Italian and foreign Partners, through training courses, technical courses, or business meetings.
Events that have permitted to the participants to touch the equipments and to assist to on-time real shows of the innovative machineries such as the high-performance fryer EvOlis, the multifunction Fitpan, the new SuperFrytop and the New Super Grill.

Momenti di formazione e di confronto
Not only presence meetings at the headquarter, but also Online opportunities to meet our Partners located in the other side of the world: Australia, Mexico, Philippines, Saudi Arabia… An interactive and innovative system to bring fast and everywhere all our features.
Intense and rich moments of technical and professional sharing and of debates aimed at the continuous improvement that Olis constantly researches and applies in its production development.

Momenti di formazione e di confronto
A special thanks is reserved to all our Partners who attended the various organized workshops, sharing with Olis their ideas and needs and who have been available to deepen their knowledge of our equipments.