Matei Takeaway

Matei Take Away restaurant

Thanks to the recent construction of the second bridge over the Danube Canal – Black Sea in Costance city, the area where this picturesque restaurant and take-away stands has certainly become more accessible.  

The restaurant isn’t located in the touristic area, but it is long a more commercial route; it could be confused for a truck parking, but its position on the cliffs and the sea view has quickly brought its popularity. 

So that the offer of fresh fish has  so much impressed who dines in it, that it is now widely recommended.   

A family activity coming from a long fisherman tradition, who since 2013 has enlarged its activity to the restaurant business. 

With the collaboration of its Romanian partner, Pro-Horeca, Olis has been chosen as official supplier of this new reality. 

Diamante in a compact solution to take full advantage of the available space.

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