Chef Academy

International Accademy of Kitchen and Patisserie


This school offers courses which issue a professional degree legally recognized, guilty on the complete national territory so as in Europe.

MasterClass of qualification addressed to professionals and amateur classes.   

The Chef Academy is the biggest and most equipped Academy  in the central Italy; thanks to the support of the best Teachers and starred Chefs, it represents the excellence to an international level, certificated by the World Association of Chef Societies.

It offers to the students a kitchen laboratory equipped with the best equipments used to  train the future professional chefs. 

Aula Magna Innovation Center


The Chef Academy has a polylfunctional center dedicated to the events and company trainings. 

A space dedicated to presentations and  Masterclass to professionals in the world of kitchen so as in the one of patisserie.   

Per conoscere meglio la scelta professionale di Simone Breda e maggiori dettagli sul progetto

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